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Die auf der Webseite uk-koeln.de verwendeten Bilder stammen sowohl aus der eigenen Bilderdatenbank sowie aus der öffentlichen Bilderdatenbank von gettyimages. Das Herunterladen und jegliche Verwendung der Bilder ist untersagt.
Titel des Bildes: Portrait of girl laughing, [Brand New Images]/ [Digital Vision]/ Getty Images
Titel des Bildes: Woman using microscope, [Martin Poole]/ [Stockbyte]/ Getty Images
Titel des Bildes: A young woman strechting here arm muscle. [Tobias Titz]/ [Keine Angabe]/ Getty Images
Titel des Bildes: Girl kissing her mothers pregnant belly, [Ghislain & Marie David de Lossy]/ [Cultura]/ Getty Images
Titel des Bildes: Injured soccer player, [altrendo images]/ [Stockbyte]/ Getty Images
Titel des Bildes: Doctor listening to apple with stethascope, [Allison Michael Orenstein]/ [Photodisc]/ Getty Images
Titel des Bildes: Senior woman smiling, [Image Source]/ [Image Source]/ Getty Images
Titel des Bildes: Senior couple hugging, [Image Source]/ [Image Source]/ Getty Images
Titel des Bildes: Three year old boy using banana as phone. [Dan Halman]/ [Digital Vision]/ Getty Images
Titel des Bildes: Close up of woman holding her cheek, [Compassionate Eye Foundation/David Oxberry/OJO Images Ltd]/ [Digital Vision]/ Getty Images
Titel des Bildes: Bone Tissue [Science Photo Library – STEVE GESCHMEISSNER.]/ [Brand X Pictures]/ Getty Images
Titel des Bildes: Woman looking up to free space, [Ghislian & Marie David de Lossy]/ [Cultura]/ Getty Images
Titel des Bildes: young man twirling basket ball in his finger, [Asia Images]/ [Asia Images]/ Getty Images
Titel des Bildes: man with glasses,[RubberBall Productions]/ [Vetta]/ Getty Images
Titel des Bildes: Surgeon Examining Chest X-Ray [Mehmed Zelkovic]/ [Flickr]/ Getty Images
Titel des Bildes: Women with Post-it on Forehead, [Philipp Nemenz]/ [Cultura]/ Getty Images
Titel des Bildes: Doctors talking in hospital [Zero Creatives/ [Cultura]/ Getty Images
Titel des Bildes: Scientist working in pathology lab, [Hybrid Images]/ [Cultura]/ Getty Images
Titel des Bildes: Happy mature man, [Mehmed Zelkovic]/ [Flickr]/ Getty Images
Titel des Bildes: Women with boxing gloves cheering, [Guido Mieth]/ [Flickr Open]/ Getty Images
Titel des Bildes: Portrait of Man with Eyes Closed, [Uwe Umstatter]/ [Radius Images]/ Getty Images
Titel des Bildes: Female Doctor Takes Notes, [James Whitaker]/ [Digital Vision]/ Getty Images
Titel des Bildes: Heart strings, SEM [STEVE GSCHMEISSNER]/ [Science Photo Library]/ Getty Images
Titel des Bildes: Heart strings, SEM [STEVE GSCHMEISSNER]/ [Science Photo Library]/ Getty Images
Titel des Bildes: Portrait of man with pencil, [Gregory Kramer]/ [Digital Vision]/ Getty Images
Titel des Bildes: Studio Shot of young woman embracing young man, [Jessica Peterson]/ [Keine Angabe]/ Getty Images
Titel des Bildes: Studio Shot of young woman making Peace Sign, [Jessica Peterson]/ [Keine Angabe]/ Getty Images
Titel des Bildes: Portrait of a young woman biting an apple, [Glowimages]/ [Keine Angabe]/ Getty Images
Titel des Bildes: Doctor Using a Tablet Computer, [Neustockimages]/ [E+]/ Getty Images
Titel des Bildes: Cell, [Ugurhan Betin]/ [E+]/ Getty Images
Titel des Bildes: Male Surgeon Standing with Arms Crossed, [Miroslaw Oslizlo]/ [E+]/ Getty Images
Titel des Bildes: Scientist, [Nicolas Loran]/ [E+]/ Getty Images
Titel des Bildes: Woman holding book under arm [Ballyscanion]/ [Photodisc]/ Getty Images
Titel des Bildes: Senior female doctor with stetoscope, studio portrait, [Ron Levine]/ [Photodisc]/ Getty Images
Titel des Bildes: Lunge mit Bronchien in grauem Umfeld, Urheber: psdesign1